Norris Yeoman Smith - reunion experience

May I introduce myself as the Grandson of Garibaldi Botting,the fourteenth child of our New Zealand Patriach, Robert William Botting.  I am following the planning for a Botting family reunion in England, planned to occur over the dates 26th-28th May 2007, with considerable interest.   I am now in my early 70 yrs, and during my Genealogy studies, with the assistance of my oldest son, into the various historical family lines of myself and my wife, I became very aware of the importance to me, of the BOTTING blood line.  My discoveries involved me in Botting family events at the turn of the millennium, having being completely unaware of three N.Z. and one Australian Botting reunions prior to this time.  Having now befriended Russell Botting and the Rev.  Des Botting, my wife Joan and I have enjoyed immensely a weekend regional gathering in Auckland in 2000 and our attendance at the 2005 Adelaide international reunion in Australia.  Meeting other "Bottings" from the New Zealand and Australian family has been quite exciting and we immediately felt members of a close-knit extended family.

While travelling from one side to the world to the other is a pretty substantial undertaking, Joan and I would be making every effort to attend should this occasion eventuate in May 2007.  If additional planning time was needed, then at some later date.  The prospect of seeing buildings, villages, and meeting UK family members is very exciting.

We send our love to the UK family members and look forward with interest to receiving more information about the possible reunion in the UK 2007.

Norris Yeoman Smith

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